According to a report, 29% of people aged 18 to 25 years suffered from some form of mental problem. One of the ways to anticipate these mental issues is quite possible by setting boundaries.
Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining good mental health, well-being, and developing one's individuality.
Boundaries shape our emotions and the needs we set for ourselves. When we have healthy boundaries, we can regulate our emotions and take care of our needs. When our boundaries are unhealthy, it can lead to emotional difficulties and unmet needs.
People from different backgrounds and cultures have different expectations and assumptions about what should be done, called, and how it should be done. These assumptions often come to light when an individual meets an alternative way of doing things.
Here is why setting boundaries are important for our mental health:
1. Good mental health
According to Dr. Dana Nelson, whether it's in work or in our personal relationships, poor boundaries lead to resentment, anger, and burnout. This is significant because it shows that having clear boundaries at work may reduce stress and increase professional contentment.
2. Good emotional health
According to research, having healthy boundaries may help people make decisions that are best for themselves and not only the others around them. This independence is a crucial component of good emotional health.
3. Needs are met
Everybody deserves to have their emotional and physical needs satisfied since we all have them. You're considerably more likely to acquire what you need if you stand out and ask for it.
4. More assertiveness and compassion
According to Brene Brown, people with boundaries are more compassionate. Telling others what's acceptable to you and what is not is a sign of respect and kindness. This establishes precise standards.
Setting boundaries is a technique of making your requirements known. You must be aware of how you're feeling and what you need in order to create boundaries. Then, you may politely request that people treat you in a way that satisfies your requirements.
Different types of boundaries
There are different types of boundaries that we can set for ourselves, and they can vary in how strict or permissive they are. The right boundary type for us depends on our individual needs and preferences. It is important to remember that we can always change the boundaries we have set for ourselves, as our needs may change over time.
There are four main types of boundaries: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
1. Physical boundaries
According to a report, these are the limits we set for ourselves regarding our bodies. We decide who can touch us and how they can touch us. We also decide how close we let people get to us. Physical boundaries can also include our personal space and the things we allow into our bodies, such as food and drugs.
These physical boundaries differ in different cultures. For instance, some cultures do not appreciate physical contact like handshakes and hugs are only given to intimate friends and family members. Therefore, promoting understanding and openness between employees helps to increase harmony among them.
2. Emotional boundaries
According to a report, these are the limits we set for ourselves in terms of our emotions. We decide how much we will share with others, and how much we expect them to share with us. We also decide how much emotional support we need from others, and how much we are willing to give.
The relationship between culture and emotion and how we verbally express our emotions is much stronger than many of us might think.
According to one study, people from countries like Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Russia, India, and Japan have higher levels of people who can name the distinct emotions they're experiencing all at once than countries like Canada, the United States, Australia, and the UK.
3. Mental Boundaries
According to a report, these are the limits we set for ourselves regarding our thoughts. We decide how much we will share with others, and how much we expect them to share with us. We also decide how open we will be to new ideas, and how much we are willing to change our own beliefs.
Individualism, assertiveness, freedom, and independence are valued in an individualist society. Societies with a more collectivist nature, where the demands of the group come first over those of the individual, build behaviour on social obligations, peace, and collaboration.
4. Spiritual boundaries
As per this research, these are the limits we set for ourselves in terms of our spirituality. We decide how much we will share with others, and how much we expect them to share with us. We also decide how involved we want to be in spiritual activities, and what level of commitment we are willing to make.
In a working environment, some people show spiritual needs such as sharing key beliefs, values, behaviors, routines, and institutions. Therefore, it’s important to understand the various psychologies of various peoples is a goal of cultural psychology.
When we are unaware of our emotions, we can become depressed and we can begin to subconsciously live out these emotions through compulsive actions. This can affect our mental health.
It is important to remember that setting boundaries are not about shutting out the world or putting up walls. Instead, it is about creating healthy relationships – with ourselves and with others.
Mind-easy helps support employees in setting healthy boundaries to best support their experiences at work in ways that align with their cultural understanding.